Nearly 90 participants from Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Yangon Technological University, University of Yangon and National University of Laos participated in the first set of DEEM ERASMUS+ trainings in February-March 2017. Majority of the participants consisted of teaching staff of the universities, but also selected students and respective ministry participants and other stakeholders (Myanmar Engineering Society, Ministry of Electricity and Energy) for wider networking between higher education institutions and energy sector stakeholders
The trainings initiated a set of climate change and energy planning learning which will be continued through in-depth exercises and trainings during October- November 2017. Specific topic included modules on looking at the need for sustainable energy systems and how to transition towards and model for sustainable energy systems. In specific climate change was discussed from basic science, and impacts, to climate change negotiations and agreements as well as climate financing where as renewable energy and energy planning were emphasized through various presentations from the global current and future renewable energy situation, energy planning basics and different tools for modeling energy systems. The Mekong partner HEIs also shared their insights of how the national energy planning is carried out (PROCESS), how investment and policy decisions are made on energy expansion (POLICY and FUNDING) as well as main actors and stakeholders in the energy field (ACTORS)
The sessions were organized in an interactive way to accommodate a lot of discussion and debate how to respond best in taking the learning into universities’ core education as well as on the opportunities of HEIs to influence evidence based policy planning.
The first trainings were conducted by experts from Finland Futures Research Centre and Europe-Universität Flensburg. The next trainings will concentrate on pedagogical skills and will be held in July 2017 by expert team from University of Wageningen.